GR User Forum

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Where do you post your photos?


New Member
Hi. I used to try and share my photos on Instagram some years ago - more like five or six. The thing is I found Instagram to be quite problematic. There was little interest unless I included attractive females to my pictures, and even with those who seemed to appreciate my work, it felt quite impersonal with the random like and then swipe downwards. Since then, I have hardly used anything.

What platform do you use? Any suggestions? I would like to slowly share my GR photos and use the hashtag as well.

I have the same issue with Instagram. I used to love Flickr back in the day for the community, however it just isn't the same there.
Hopefully we can create that kind of community on this forum.
Hi V.,

obviously Instagram has a lot more reach than all the others. But I am not good at social media. No time for this.

If you want to have traction there, you need to invest a lot of time in it. This is worth it, if you want to become famous, but not if photography is your hobby. Just too time consuming if you have also other things to do.

I do think a GR community forum is compared to SM time efficient, offers a lot of fun and you can share your images here too.

Maybe you also become famous thanks to , if Ricoh is reading here and hires you for product shots for the next GR model Daumenhoch Smilie
I’m in. I actually miss forums as well. I was part of a photo forum back in the day that consisted of a handful of guys who all knew each other.

We would frequently go out and shoot together for fun and would post about our outings with the photos that we took on the forum.

We even had a section for entertainment, things we would stumble upon online that we would find interesting.

That is actually what kept me coming back to the forum so frequently.

Let’s make this forum ROCKZ04 Carrot
We even had a section for entertainment, things we would stumble upon online that we would find interesting.

We have a special section in the forum, which is only accessable/ readable for logged in members to protect your privacy, in case someone might be worried to post something, which is not meant for everybody ;)