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where can I find Ricoh Ac adaptors???


New Member

I'm looking to buy the AC-4f and AC-4g ac adaptors but can't find anywhere to buy online. Anyone got any suggestions?

Thank you so much for the help!! I'm just looking into buying a ricoh for timelapse purposes and an Ac adaptor is vital! Any advice on which model I should go for?

thanks again!!
I have recently received and tested the CN4 generic replacements for the AC-4C.



I found that on the cameras tested so far, they work, even with flash. Curiously, the battery level displays one or two bars out of three. I need to check the voltage, but I believe them to be correct.

I got them from Rex at Viva Power/ Yuptek. His email is adapter insert-a-in-a-circle-here he sold me three with shipping paid to Hong Kong for USD19 in total.
Cool, I'm looking for this (AC-4g) adaptor too - found the homepage and send them an mail yesterday. I hope they are still in business ..