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Sunrise at Long Reef Headland - Sydney, Australia


New Member
This morning I got up early to catch the sunrise at Long Reef Headland on Sydney's Northern Beaches...a short drive from where I live. It was a beautiful morning after all the rain we've had here and with lots more predicted who knows when I'll get a chance like this again.....soon I hope!


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Beautiful pictures! I like them all. But believe or not, my clear favorite is the grainy one ;) Its limited colors and grainy look makes it a something special! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the very kind comments :D I must admit that "In search of" the grainy one is a favorite of's a photo (grab shot) that came from pretty much nothing,
so it was a nice surprise to be able to pull such a pleasing image from the original capture.

It was my first real chance to get out and see what the GX100 can do...I'm really impressed with this little camera & I'm sure it's a partnership that will continue for many years to come :D


Wow - mind-blowing photographs, J-man. The first one is terrific - love the subdued tones; you get the sense that they are feeling the cold. The grainy seagull: very "Jonathon Livingston Seagull" (if you remember that fad of a book that circulated in the early 70's) :) Nice to see the gx-100 doing such fabulous work. Mine is sitting in a box in some warehouse somewhere, just waiting for me to place an order for it....
Hi kaigr64,

Thank you for your statement "Wow - mind-blowing photographs".....I'm finding this forum to be a great source of encouragement :)

I've only had the GX100 for about three weeks now, and I'm loving it. I hope that you will soon be out photographing with your very own GX100 & enjoying it as much as I am!

That last one is certainly pushing the gx-100 to its limits - it handles it fairly well considering the light (just a touch of banding visible if you really look close, which of course one shouldn't).

By the way, you're making me homesick with all these Sydney beach scenes. -2c over here by night... but at least the skiing is good :) Have a great summer with your Ricoh!

I really liked the last one J-man, but than again you already knew that. Thanks for sharing these awesome photos here as well.