New Member
Ok, I must admit, I'm not quite sure what's supposed to happen, but when I shoot B&W in RAW mode on my GRD2, I see the pic in B&W, as intended (it's really the secondary JPG file that's in B&W, right?). Then I grab the card and import the pix into Lightroom and I end up only with the color version of the picture. I would expect to see the B&W rendition, same as on the camera. I was under the impression that the B&W settings were also stored in the DNG file. Is Lightroom not doing something it should, or is it me who's terminally confused here? Up until now, I was not trying to shoot much RAW with GRD1, because it took forever. The GRD2's RAW speed is giving me encouragement, but obviously, I'm missing something here... but what?