I recently got a GRD 2 for xmas and have been having some issues with battery life (or they seem to be issues anyway) I fully charged the lithium battery prior to using the camera, and have been using it on and off the last three days. It ran out last night whilst I was out, which I found a little unusual as I expected it to last longer, and a friend who has an earlier GRD mentioned that his battery lasts for weeks. Anyway, I replaced it with some alkaline AAA's which I was able to buy last night-these only lasted for about 15 shots, then they were exhausted again! :shock: Is this normal? Also what sort of battery life should I expect with the rechargeable lithium one? I rang the store where I bought it and they advised to give the lithium battery another charge and see how it goes from there, which is what I am doing. Also has anyone else noticed that when you turn on the camera, sometimes the battery will be in a 'green status' then the next minute it will go down to yellow, then if you turn it off and on again it's back to green? Very odd! :|
Help and advice appreciated,
Help and advice appreciated,