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P10, not so bad


New Member
My P10 came toguether with one of my GXR bodies, but I really didn't want it.
The reviews and the colleagues were telling it was not really brilliant. So at first I tried to sell it, without success. Then I parked it into the drawer.
Past weekend I needed a compact camera to carry to a family event. I thought on the P10 and gave it a try.
To my surprise, when used with ISO lower than 400, the P10 performed quite respectably.
So I've gotten a new addition to my photo bag, and the drawer is lighter now. ;)

A sample:



P.S. I still do prefer the A12M and the rangefinder lenses...
Nice Jes. Indeed it has a pretty acceptable performance. I must say that is the module I use less, but really that 300 always surprises me. It is really a plus to have low expectations... then, dissatisfaction are also low... :lol: