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Other noteworthy/interesting cameras?

Pieter B

New Member
Besides owning a wonderful GRD and various other film/digital cameras, I have just surprised myself by buying an Olympus C-5050, even though discontinued quite some time back, after some digging around revealed a few features which I found attractive (fast lens, good underwater with a housing and a wireless remote to name a few). When I saw this thread "Other Cameras", I thought it may be interesting for members to mention/discuss cameras in their arsenal which may have been generally overlooked, not available everywhere, etc. and may be worth a closer look. Of course not to detract from the Ricoh's, but you know how it is when the bug bites!
Pieter B":7f090 said:
Besides owning a wonderful GRD and various other film/digital cameras, I have just surprised myself by buying an Olympus C-5050, even though discontinued quite some time back, after some digging around revealed a few features which I found attractive (fast lens, good underwater with a housing and a wireless remote to name a few). When I saw this thread "Other Cameras", I thought it may be interesting for members to mention/discuss cameras in their arsenal which may have been generally overlooked, not available everywhere, etc. and may be worth a closer look. Of course not to detract from the Ricoh's, but you know how it is when the bug bites!

It is fun and good learning experience to get to know more about other noteworthy/interesting cameras.
How about showing us a picture of your C-5050 with the underwater housing and the wireless remote.
It has been mentioned somewhere that this model is a high end model in the 5 megapixel range.
Is this a 2001 model from Olympus? I wonder what did Ricoh came up with during this same period of time
(between the year 2000 and 2001)?
I don't have the camera in my mitts yet, I got it on Ebay USA and I am in Spain aboard a yacht, but my wife is going to visit there and will bring it back by mid Nov. I am still looking for a PT-015 housing. What really caught my eye is the F1.8 lens. I previously had a Ricoh Caplio G3 (2003) with housing which took some nice underwater pictures for a 3 megapixel, it had a very fast shutter response for the time, though it was not the sexiest camera. Here is an old shot with the G3, just in the housing, no strobe. Gave the camera away after a nasty incident with a parrot in an aviary - I was concentrating on taking a snap of another bird and it snuck up and bit half of the lens assembly off!


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Medium format Film lovers would find the Yashica Mat 124G a jewellery during the 60s.
Saw some photojournalists working for the press went about their assignments with this camera.
Those were the days in the 60s and early 70s. Now the camera is a collector item especially
with younger photographers who had never been on film using the medium format.


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Ricoh by Ricoh

This camera must be 40 years old or close to. I suspect that if I put a film through it would work fine. Good lens as I recall (to my untutored eye).

It weighs a tonne! Where the paint has rubbed through what appears to be brass is showing.


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Although this is a coincidence, I actually bought my GX100 as a replacement for another Ricoh, the Ricoh XR-X 35mm SLR which I've had for many years. However only the body of my SLR system was a Ricoh, as it in turn was bought it to replace another camera, my Pentax ME Super, after I got fed up of the Pentax's crappy centre-weighted metering. The Ricoh XRX was the only K-mount body on the market which offered semi-spot metering or an AE-Lock. So all my lenses are actually Pentax ones, and very nice they are too (very sharp and small). My recent choice of the GX100 to replace my SLR was determined by the fact that my most used lenses were the 35/f2.8 and 20/f4, with only occasional use of telephotos (such as an 85/f1.8), so the GX100's 19mm + 24-72mm should cover about 90% of my shots.

The XR-X is a nice camera, the only real drawbacks were that it was rather bulky compared to my little Pentax (though probably no worse than the modern DSLRs — whose excessive size and weight is why I didn't buy one!), also some of the buttons like AE-Lock are not only recessed but also need a firm press, presumably to avoid accidental activation but this made them harder to use and impossible when wearing thick gloves such as in winter mountaineering situations.

Like all Ricohs, the XR-X was pretty feature-packed for its day, but I have to say I didn't actually make use of the fancy stuff like intervalometer or multiple-exposure facility. It also had an early attempt at intelligent metering called ABLC (auto back light control) which was supposed to compare the spot and averaging readings and automatically choose an appropriate exposure, however in practice it seemed to just add about a stop to the exposure — regardless of situation!

In the end what drove me to digital was not so much the need for any new features but the hassle of carrying 2kg of gear around with me all the time when I really prefer to travel light. I now have two 250g digital cameras, one for each pocket! The GX100 for most stuff, and a Nikon S10 just for telephoto work, as it has a 38-380/f3.5 stabilised lens which I can handhold at 380mm even in poor light (helped by the fact it can be used for waist-level shooting thanks to the swivel LCD), a feat I could never manage with my SLR's heavy zoom. Apart from its long reach, at 380mm the Nikon also gives me the wonderfully shallow focus that I loved about my Pentax 85mm/f1.8 lens (though it's nowhere near as sharp — Nikon have equipped the S10 with only average quality optics I'm afraid).
I'm not a GRD user yet... still looking for one used. However, currently I use a Leica M8 as my other camera... :)

after several years of holiday snaps with my Minolta Dimage 3 mpx. a Oly 5050 from a friend came into my bag, but......
I never could come close to the menue...... :roll: This design was totally against my synapses....and I sold it after two or three months.....

BTW: Here my one and only 'sport-shot' with the Dimage S304 at the Tour de France in 2003 Prolog in Noirmoutier 20km "Contre Le Montre" It's Ivan Basso.

Twenty competitors before him I had to shoot until my 'hiptwist' was adjusted to the speed of the bikes. The pic is cropped, the left side (missing) with nothing in it was the result of the very slow shutter response.....
It was the last Tour for Jan Ullrich......



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the machines i currently use are a panny gf-1 ,olympus ep-1, a ricoh gx200, and a ricoh cx1
gx 200 is my favorite but the ep-1 is much better , the gx 200 is so much more intuitive in my hands, the oly menus are horrible and poor
the micro 4\3 cameras let me use lots of old glass with adapters manufactered and home made

i use pentax auto 110 lenses 18mm 24mm 50 mm

contax G sonnar 90 and 45 planar with rj adapter

voigtlander rangefinder 50 1.5 28 1.9 and 15 4.5 with voigtlander adapter

konica 50 1.7slr nikon 50 2 slr jupiter 38 2.8 minolta rangefinder 45 1.7

voightlander scopar x 50 2.8 bessamatic ,zeiss tessas 45 2.8 from contaflex and many more