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on my bike


New Member
I fixed a bracket to my bike today (see forward's post for more details) and took my GX100 for a spin....not too bad for my first attempt.....all shot on "snap" with anti-shake on using the 2 second timer (i need to buy the cable release!),lens hood and UV filter to protect the front element, all where shot at 24mm at f4.1.....i took 84 pix in 1 hour, and got about 15-20 decient pix.....what do you think?


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Well done Mark! It sounds like a lot of fun and very healthy photo trip! ;) I would only be afraid of the vibrations and also dust. You know, if you cycling, the air pressure on front of the camera is much higher. So the chance to get some dust inside is also higher?

It's great to see that there are some fellow cyclists on the forum....

I went for a ride last weekend & did exactly what I now see you've done! Nice job with the bracket... you may want to consider these tripods I have the UltraPod I & the UltraPod II - they attach to the bars with a velcro strap & are very stable. You can attach it to a tree sapling to get photos of yourself on the trail if hiking alone & even attach it to a walking poll to use as a mono-pod if need be.... very useful & versatile indeed!

I entrusted my Contax G2 rangefinder to the UltraPod II and strapped it to the roof rack on my car (with a bit of tape for added security & peace of mind) & drove across both the Sydney Harbour Bridge & Anzac Bridge taking photos with a cable release running through the window. Managed to get about 4 great shots from a roll of 36, which I thought was pretty good seeing that I couldn't see what the 28mm lens on the camera was seeing outside the car.

Hope to see some more photos from the handlebars of your bike :)


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Hi j man!...thx for your reply to my post.....and for the ultrapod heads up!....i will check them out soon. I havn't had the time (or the good weather) to go out again with my bracket and camera.....the weather should be getting better soon i hope. have you checked my flickr page for more photos and the bracket photos?.....see ya soon M
Hey M

I have seen your flickr page... you've got some nice shots there.

I like your new over exposed self portraits that you have posted both here & on flickr..... I'll have to give it a try myself :D

