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November 07 - theme "Your best shot with RICOH"

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New month new contest!

The theme for this month is Your best shot with RICOH! I think we need to celebrate the GRD2 announcement? ;) And the best way how to welcome new Ricoh baby is to post your best photo? Just show us your "best of best" you made with Ricoh. And if you wish, let us know the story behind the photo.

BTW, the rule about posting only the photo made during the actual contest month is no longer applied! I think this should make the contest easier for many RicohForum members? ;)

Good luck everyone! ;)

You may post one photo right in reply to this post. Please, do not link them from other sites. Use the "Upload Attachment" instead (for faster loading).
Contest photo must be taken with Ricoh digital camera (whichever you use)!
Posted photo must be taken within the contest month
The max size of the photo is limited to 1024x768 and the file must contain EXIF!
The deadline for posting contest photos is 30.11.2007 at 12PM forum time

Here you can learn how to upload the photos right in forum post...

The first place (chosen by forumers via poll early next month) will be awarded by Mediachance software according of winner's choice. For this month I can provide Dynamic Photo HDR, PhotoBrush, DCE AutoEnhance or Pure Image NR.

The monthly contest winners (and second places) will play in grand RicohForum contest at the end of this year. The grand contest will be sponsored by Ricoh who will kindly supply a digital camera for the winner! The second place will get the bundle of all SW prizes from Mediachance. The details about this RicohForum "Grand" contest will be announced later this month. So don't hesitate to post your contest photos!


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Staircase at The Vatican


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The Garden Revisited

This photo is a retake of my 2nd infrared photo ("Le Silence du Jardin") which was much poorer in quality as i do not have a tripod nor did a proper focusing then. This picture was taken a few months later, over several days i've waited for the light to be almost the same condition as before. I use a printout as reference to recapture the original frame as closely as possible.

Note: For correct display, you should be able to segment out the tree trunk (positioned right-side of the picture) from its slightly lighter detailed (not pure black) background.. aw... i should get a spyder soon, the inconsistency display is starting to creep me.


  • EXIF
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I was on holiday staying with a friend in Norfolk.

We were outside having a smoke and I saw this fly just sitting there on the ledge.

I had time to run inside, get my GX100 then shoot two or three pictures.

This one is the best, and my best so far with the wee Ricoh.

You can tell how good the light was from EXIF: 1/500th at ISO80.
Aperture could have been smaller but you don't have time to think about these things sometimes.

As well as the eyes, I like the foot on the right which is in focus.

It is obviously better at 100% - I resized this in MS Office Picture Manager (I'm in work just now...)



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GXIOO. JPG F/stop.3.6. ISO.100. Meter/Pattern. Focal length/5.1. Exposure/Auto. White balance/Auto.

This is my best shot with the GRD as it shows the great macro capabilities and the very good color rendition.


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One of a few shots I grabbed to experiment with in RAW and newly acquired Elements 5.
Richard F.


  • EXIF
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This picture was taken in the beginning of november. Whilst my wife was attending a church celebration, I walked around a bit and took some pictures. Digital cameras don't always cope well with the high contrast levels in the tropics. This was a situation wherein this turned to be a compositional asset, imho. The camera is a gx100 (nice little gem..).


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