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March 08 - Voting Thread

Please, select the photo (you may select up to 3 photos) you like best..

  • mvf3 - radioactive sago band - gx100

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • andersju - Guitar Wolf - GRD

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • Grus74 - Kent - GRDII

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • VladimirV - DashReflex - GRD

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Shane Phillips - Sami Poppins - GRDII

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • BlackRicoh - Break - GX100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • broogino - Music - GX100

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Skippy - Rotel - GRDII

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • RJY - Pawn Shop - GX100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JJW - Irish Music Night - GX100

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • jooon - Drummer in the sun - GRD2

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • jont fi - No music today - GRD2

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • uKrris - Rural Zulu kids - GX100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Z1gno - live-vibe - GRD

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • [][/email] - Big Pro Tools rig - GX100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tommy - Fiddleplayer - R6

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • xarmux - Harp player - R6

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • neil__j - bass guitar - R4

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Skippy - Street Musician - GRD2

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
March contest finished! Thank you everyone who participated! Music theme is probably not as easy theme as it may sound. But you did it well! Many great contributions!

As always, the voting will be open next 7 days and you can change your vote if you want. You can (but you don't need to) select up to 3 favorite photos!
In case of too low number of votes, I reserve the right to select the winner myself.

Please, don't vote for yourself! Be fair and vote for competitor's photo! Thank you!

mvf3 - radioactive sago band - gx100

andersju - Guitar Wolf - GRD

Grus74 - Kent - GRDII

VladimirV - DashReflex - GRD

Shane Phillips - Sami Poppins - GRDII

BlackRicoh - Break - GX100

broogino - Music - GX100

Skippy - Rotel - GRDII

RJY - Pawn Shop - GX100

JJW - Irish Music Night - GX100

jooon - Drummer in the sun - GRD2

jont fi - No music today - GRD2

uKrris - Rural Zulu kids - GX100

Z1gno - live-vibe - GRD
file.php - Big Pro Tools rig - GX100

tommy - Fiddleplayer - R6

xarmux - Harp player - R6

neil__j - bass guitar - R4

Skippy - Street Musician - GRD2
And here are the votes from the ever babbling Tommy... ;-)

I ended up with five pictures: Irish Music Night, DashReflex, Drummer in the sun, live-vibe, and radioactive sago band. They all describe the theme music very well to me. I especially like Irish Music Night, so if I would go 100% for theme expression, that would probably be my winner. But this is also a photo contest, and three of the five chosen pictures have, in my opinion, an edge in composition. So my three winners are (in no particular order):

I have no particular comment to make, it's just a very good picture.

Very peaceful tones. At first I was disturbed by the vibrating string, but now I like it.

radioactive sago band
This was not one of my favorites in the beginning, but the more I look at it the more I like it. It feels like one of these pictures you'll never get tired of looking at.

As stated before it was a close call for:

Irish Music Night
I love the colors in this picture. The over-all composition on the neutral background. The connection between the performers, both "physically" (in the picture plane), and as shown by their body language. And the deep concentration of their faces.

Drummer in the sun
It's a picture that is easy to look at, easy to like, and easy to understand, yet it feels very powerful and sort of radiates onto your face.

Here are some more thoughts of ups and downs, that I scribbled down while looking at the pictures (in no particular order). Objections and different opinions are welcome.

Street Musician
I like the way the closest dummy is mirroring the accordion player's bent arm, but I think there's too much unrelated things going on the picture; the partly wet street, the reflected tree and houses. It would have been cool if the closest dummy had been deviating in posture from all the other dummies, like she'd noticed the accordion player and broken out from the flock. In the current setting I think I would have tried to leave out the other dummies.

Big Pro Tools rig
I like the tech-cozy display of LED:s, I don't know what it usually looks like in this kind of environment, so I don't feel familiar and I don't understand what's happening. In fact, nothing seams to be happening, and that's my main problem with this picture.

Harp player
I would have used post processing to remove the flash light-reflecting dust particles in this picture. But I like the dramatic angle in combination with the shape of the instrument.

Guitar Wolf
It was hard to not vote for this picture. I think it's beautiful how the small scattered patches of light form recognizable shape and context of a still unexplainable moment. But I can't see music in it. It reminds me more of a fight, or I could vaguely guess it's some sort of acrobatic performance.

No music today
I really like this simple image, with a clear and simple message. I think I would have liked it even more if it had more screaming colors.

I like the warm color tones, the joyful play of light and shadows, the friendly feeling of wood, and the playfulness of the image. And also the pranky electrical plug sneaked in behind the metronome. But I can't help feeling the picture is missing something. It feels a bit lifeless in all its playfulness. I think it's the empty white wall that's too dominant in the composition. This becomes joy in a sterile environment, muted and confined. Now I make it sound like it's a bad picture, but I think it's not; I just somehow have to rank it among all the other good pictures, which is though.
Despite the low number of votes this month (and as always, delayed announcement ;)), we got new winner! Please congratulate Z1gno for his winning "live-vibe" photo!

Thank you all who participated in this round! Many great photos!