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[WTB] looking for GR1v (date) or GR1s

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I'm looking for Ricoh GR1v (Date) in excellent working and visually nice condition with all usual accessories (filter ring, hood, manual).
The best would be an offer from EU (to minimize problems with customs). Thank you!

GR1s would be fine too! ;)
Re: looking for GR1v (date)

Yes, GR1s is also possible. But I would prefer gr1v, because it has the manual ISO setting, which (if I understand the manual ISO setting right) should allow pushing/puling the film to higher/slower ISO. That's sounds really useful? ;)
Re: looking for GR1v (date)

odklizec":85f04 said:
Yes, GR1s is also possible. But I would prefer gr1v, because it has the manual ISO setting, which (if I understand the manual ISO setting right) should allow pushing/puling the film to higher/slower ISO. That's sounds really useful? ;)

Changing the ISO on film is the same as exposure compensation. For example, a film with ISO 100 set on ISO 200 and processed to ISO 200 is the same as setting exposure compensation to -1 EV all the time and processing the film also at ISO 200. Both of them are just underexposing the film by 1 EV. I don´t know the specs of the GR1s, but I can´t imagine that it has no exposure compensation. Manual ISO setting can be useful if you assemble your film rolls by sourself and they have no DX code. By the way, in both cases you have to tell your photo laboratory to push the film by one step and once set, the setting must be used for the entire film. It´s not like in digital cameras, where you can use another ISO for each picture ;)
Re: looking for GR1v (date)

Thanks for explanation Kamil. Yes, I know I will have to tell the laboratory about pushing the film up or down based of the selected ISO and actual film ISO. But if the manual ISO setting in camera is just another kind of exposure compensation, I'm not sure I understand why there is such possibility if there already is a EV compensation in GR1 cameras? The only explanation to me is that GR1v can manually compensate the exposure only in range of -2 to +2 EV. And the GR1v manual ISO setting in range ISO 25 to 5000 should give the photographer an option of +-4 EV? Please, correct me if I'm wrong ;)
Re: looking for GR1v (date)

odklizec":376b0 said:
Yes, GR1s is also possible. But I would prefer gr1v, because it has the manual ISO setting, which (if I understand the manual ISO setting right) should allow pushing/puling the film to higher/slower ISO. That's sounds really useful? ;)

With the GR1s i rarely push a film more than 1 Stop with the exposure compensation dial and if i want to compensate i still have 1EV to a side and 3 to the other. Will you be using a film with a latitude that suports that higher/slower pushing???
GR1s reads the DX code in the film canister, if you assemble your film rolls by sourself you will have to use DX coded canisters! Ex. You can load an ISO400 film in a 800ISO or 100ISO DX coded canister... you can even crack the canister scraping off black paint to make a black square silver, or paste stickers over silver squares to make it appear "black" to the DX code contacts.

The extra +0.5/-05 brackting opion is targeted for slide/positive filme (less latitude) , and i dont really like to use this brackting options its a waste of film... i use the exposure compensation dial but just for one side!

PS - Dont forget that GR1v resets the manual iso seting when you change the film! ;)
Re: looking for GR1v (date)

You are right Luis. I will probably never push the film more than 1EV. And I can't also imagine I would ever add the date into photo, so the date feature is also not important. It's probably just me that I want the latest available version of the camera ;) All in all, I'm sure the GR1s would serve me as good as GR1v.
Re: looking for GR1v (date)

odklizec":dd021 said:
All in all, I'm sure the GR1s would serve me as good as GR1v.
Thats it, buy any of them if you find a good deal, the GR1s will be cheaper ;)
PS - GR1s also has the date feature but its the only "always off" extra that it has!