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Homunculus' Morning Gaze


New Member
The concept of homunculus (Latin for "little man", plural "homunculi"; the diminutive of homo, "human being") is often used to detect weakness or failure in vision theory --- where scientist sought for a model for the human perception of vision.

an interesting book regarding this subject is "Enchanted Looms: Conscious Networks in Brains and Computers" by Rodney Cotterill.

This photo-"frankenstein" took me almost a year to complete. the picture is conceptualized and drafted. then over the months, i have to hunt/collect the necessary photographs to assemble into this final piece..

original pic is 6000x6000 pixels.


  • EXIF
    70.7 KB · Views: 1,584
What to say and don't repeat myself? Another exceptional piece of art made by talented artist! You should definitely consider selling your prints!
thank you for the compliments!

hmm... perhaps i will do sell prints after finding and maturing a style!
Great imagination and concept leews2001, the execution shows your effort in wanting to create out of
your creative mind through the act of imagination and thinking. I was wondering how did you get the orginal
with that massive 6000 x 6000 pixels?
forward":8a16e said:
I was wondering how did you get the orginal
with that massive 6000 x 6000 pixels?

stitching the table! the background picture is manual align and overlapping though.
leews2001 - wow, it's like looking through a magical portal - i want to step up and follow the cat!
thanks for sharing!
It is an impressive piece of art, not only simple photo. And the fact that it took one yer to you to be completed tell how much you elaborated it and how much you wanted it... I can only say congratulations, this is a masterpiece...
This is a seriously good picture :eek: :!: And the dedication required to complete it over one!
Haunting and elegant...
Would you mind laying out the key parts of crafting an image like this?
