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GR Digital II announced.

Thanks leews2001 for announcing the GRDII! You was quicker than me ;) I knew about GRDII for several days, but I could not tell you was a real pain ;)

Anyway, I was promised to get the GRDII for test! So as soon as I will have it, I will be able to answer any your question! You may post your questions here:
The UK street price should be about £399 so it's the same as previous GRD. It should hit the shops at 22th November. The question is if its the worldwide sale date or just Japan. But because it's a very close to Christmas, I think it will be available also here in Europe ;)
Tom Caldwell":29895 said:
Not rushing to buy one
Should at least wear out my GR-D first - probably means a long wait


i will feel "ashame" to abandon my current GRD to have an affair with GRDII now,
after she has helped and given me much joy in photography during the past years.