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GR DIGITAL Calendar Contest

Don't miss your chance to win the "GR Digital calendar" contest and have your photo in this calendar!

GR DIGITAL Calendar Contest
Application period: October 26, 2007 to November 11, 2007

How to submit : Submit photographs from contest site ( (Site opens October 26, 2007)

Number of winners : 13 (calendar photographs including cover)

Photographic themes : We are looking for photographs that stir the heart and that are suitable for the GR DIGITAL calendar. Submissions do not have to be seasonal images. As in the previous contest, entries from abroad are welcomed.
*Entries are limited only to photographs taken with GR DIGITAL.
*Entrants may be either amateur or professional photographers.
*Number of entries is limited to three per person.

Application of winning entries: The winning images will be used to produce a special calendar with one image used for the cover and one for each month.
*The method of distributing the calendar is currently under consideration.

Prizes: GR DIGITAL Calendar

Extra prize: Specially-made album that arranged photographs of winning prizes

Judges: Mr. Keiichi Kimura - Writers from Ricoh's official blog "GR BLOG"

Results announcement: Winners will be announced November 20, 2007 on the contest website

Details can be found here: ... test3.html