Everyone who is really interested in GRD should not miss this page,,
http://www.gr1.artsociety.net/ - link no longer works, but the page can be accessed via web.archive.org:
Very informative page about GRD analog predecessors GR1, GR1s and GR1v. Now I understand (OK, not fully) why is the GRD/GX100 AE bracketing limited to 0.5EV..it's just a historical reason
http://www.gr1.artsociety.net/ - link no longer works, but the page can be accessed via web.archive.org:
Very informative page about GRD analog predecessors GR1, GR1s and GR1v. Now I understand (OK, not fully) why is the GRD/GX100 AE bracketing limited to 0.5EV..it's just a historical reason