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Black and White Little India


New Member
Some my little walkabout in Little India Street in Singapore using the 19mm wide conversion lens. Hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do. :lol:


Hip shot

Hip shot


Hip shot

Hip shot of Indian Fortune Teller
Ya all shot in B&W mode and these pics are fresh from the camera with no adjustments. Im surprised by the tones that my GX100 can produce. It has a classic film like quality to them. :lol:
great shots! Wife and i were in Singapore a few years ago on the tail end of a 6 month tour around SE Asia.... your shots bring back warm memories!....well done, i love the gx for the black and white mode....and in snap its fantastic....its got a kinda old style reportage feel to the pix!
thanx! :D SIngapore has undergone big changes since you last visited. Too many things to list here. But would love to welcome you back if you plan to travel to SIngapore again. :mrgreen:
thx...such warm and friendly ppl......we loved the markets and of corse the singapore slims lol!.......would love a return visit one day.