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  • ricoh balot.jpg
    ricoh balot.jpg
    711 KB · Views: 299
Miguel, preumably this is prior to boiling. I would need at least three, trebile Brandys and coke, before eating embrionic duck's eggs. You guys must have the toughest stomacks in creation. Brilliant colour and focus :cool: . We spell it " balut " :?:
Heh this looks like an alien creature. I heard about these "baluts" but I never thought I will saw one ;) Agree with Chris..strong stomach and nerves are required to eat THIS :eek:
sorry but youre right- it is "balut"... this i believe is a 6 day old embryo prior to boiling ... tomorrow i go to an area in manila wherein backpackers hangout in bars and look for "balut virgins" and hopefully catch then puking on cam, :twisted: btw- will be shooting outdoors with just a small video light, hopefully i get a camera operator and get to shoot with my gx... have never shot anything over asa 100 because of the "noise", do you suggest i put the caplio on "auto asa"? thanks in advance :)