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X Pro 1 Vs Ricoh


New Member
Ciao all,

I went off here from a while because I decided to buy the Fuji X pro 1...

I do not speak about this camera here but want to share my meaning!

The Fuji is a lovely camera, powerfull DOF and great feel to use. You hate it or love it, I love it, but BELIEVE me, I never leave my Ricoh's home; my GX200 or my GRD III need to be in my bag.
I'm using more the Fuji because need to take confidence with it and believe me it needs time (!) and I'm strongly missing the feel a Ricoh can give.
Especially for Street photography, it's my opinion, but no way the X pro 1 can replace the Ricohs!
I hope this message is not disturbing or put in the wrong forum but since I'm missing you I wanted to share quickly these meanings.
I'll be back soon and participate with passion to your great forum and contests.
Ciao from Tuscany,
Il conte
For us hobbyists it´s all about enjoying our hobby. No regrets, have fun with your new love and post us some nice shots now and then.

I've looked at the Fuji X1 series and I really think I could work with one also.
I recently acquired a OM-D and find its a easy to work with tool but it does not quite gel the same as the GRD. The OM-D is more a tool camera to me.
So the GRD goes along as well.

I have an X100 but somehow its a camera I take to use when I am on a photographic job and know I need good low light ISO.
Sometimes the 40mm FOV is too narrow for me but it still takes fine images.
I tried the X Pro and was asked to do a review with. After a 10 day period I returned it.
The one feature I can't get passed's big.

I am ready to look at the new XE thing but no promises on keeping it.
For me, for my work and clients...the GRD4 satisfies everything.

I have friends on the street using the X Pro and doing very well with it.
Good luck but don't sell the GRD....
yeah, for me too. the x pro body is just too clumsy to hold to. i mean it looks good, but cams are for me a tool. and a tool i need a good hold. perios. nothing beats the gxr in this domain...
meditate":2n6ick99 said:
yeah, for me too. the x pro body is just too clumsy to hold to. i mean it looks good, but cams are for me a tool. and a tool i need a good hold. perios. nothing beats the gxr in this domain...

You are so right, nothing beats the GRD for hold...
The GXR is good too ......
really ? you would prefer the grd before the gxr+a12 -28mm ? why ? in my view aps-c beats the slightly size...
meditate":3c5kgg79 said:
really ? you would prefer the grd before the gxr+a12 -28mm ? why ? in my view aps-c beats the slightly size...

Nothing beats the size. Don't go by me.
The International Pixel Peepers Cult and the Larger Sensor Is Always Better Universal Union have hits out on me.
See I like grit in my images. So I used the GXR 28 for a long time. I did everything with it. Weddings too.
I would carry the GRD in my pocket just because I could.

Going thru my work for the past couple years I saw a consistency in the GRD work that I only ever saw in my Leica work.
So my brain said to me...Me, I think the Ricoh is cheaper then the Leica or anything else we have used for some time.

I'm not saying the GXR isn't a great camera, it is. I loved it so much I never used my Leica glass on it as it wasn't needed.

The GRD is the ultimate compact camera, providing you don't need a zoomie...I don't.
The lens is amazing. The sensor is matched to the lens perfectly. It is the mother of the GXR.

The IQ is unique and in its own class. I have made many 16 x 20" prints that are exhibition quality.
Maybe I sound like a fanboy .... dunno what that is but if it means I'm attached to this camera....
I'm the biggest damn fanboy you ever saw and proud of it.

The camera only needs one thing to take it to camera heaven...
real strap lugs....that's my story and I'm sticking with it.
Tim, I want to respond to that thread but I can't see the use for that lens. Yes, DOF will be great and it's small what?

I hope to get one for testing soon but I really don't have any love for M43 format.....
It f8 that bothers me. I'm not often there with any other lens, more usually on the open aperture.
Nonetheless I think its something out of the norm. Always looking for something unique to make a unique image.
But you are probably right in the end its just another wideangle.
All of these comments make me think this:
users who speak here are not fanatics, people who own particular wilderness experience, or have a fever.
No, are photographers, simply, who are trying just to make the best possible pictures, the more conveniently possible, who are trying to capture with their camera, the thing that their eye has note! To succeed it must have the 'good' tool.

What is surprising is that the devices Ricoh won as often the comparison; in fact they are often of a much lower price tag, and with less ambitious pretensions.
It is very often compare David has Goliath!
Well, I observed that David is such a good challenger that he comes off the best, not always, but often!
streetshooter, I visited your Flickr page and WAW I love your way of shooting.
Since you mentione dclients does it means you also print the images?!!
How large can you print and have a good quality with GRDIV?