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Wrist strap to differentiate between Ricoh GR3 and GR3x



since I am still on vacation it is more difficult to upload images here. As soon as I have faster internet I will try again.

For those of us, who use more than one Ricoh GR, it is always difficult to see which one is which. I.e. the Ricoh GR III and Ricoh GR IIIx are looking identical. So how to know which one is which?

There is one solution to put different lens rings on each with a different colour.

But that solution does not help if your Ricoh GRs are still in their belt pocket or deep in yout photo bag.

So I decided for this vacation to buy 2 different wrist straps. Thanks to this I can immediately see which one is which even if it is inside the belt pocket or in my photo bag.

Very convenient and very cheap. I bought them on ebay. Here are some photos of it:


I started years ago with a Ricoh GR (the first with APS-C sensor). That one had only the 28mm.

I then switched from the Ricoh GR to the Ricoh GR3, because I wanted to have 24 MP to be able to crop easier. I tend to like more 40-75mm focal length.

This is why I bought the Ricoh GR3x with the 40mm (in FF terms) as soon as it was available in Germany.

In general I like more the look of images made with 40-75mm, but there are often situations in which I am too close to the subject, i.e. with small kids. Then you need the 28mm. Or for city/travel photos, landscape etc.

So I enjoy both. My biggest surprise was how much these 2 Ricoh GR were able to replace my bigger photo gear this summer.
Hi Drik, In recent years I was mainly an analog pinhole photographer. Before that I had (and still have) the Nikon D610 and D5600. I also have the old Ricoh GXR A12 28mm, the Nikon Coolpix A (28mm) and the Fuji XF10 (28mm). I also had the old Ricoh GR Digital, but I regretted selling it a long time ago. I am now back at Ricoh and will try the 40mm in the near future.