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wanna be ricoher in london


New Member
Thought i should say hi. I'm trying to find a secondhand gr 2 or 3 at the moment - just missed out on a gr2 on t'bay yesterday - and came across this gem of a site. Hopefully i'll get one at the right price soon, have been checking the classified section here too. That's about it i guess.

Oh, if you have one you want to sell me...


I wasn´t thinking in selling my GRD2, but... The only issue is distance. Do you have a colleague or a friend living in Argentina, so he/she can take a look of the camera? My GRD2 is in mint condition, always with a lcd cover, plus adaptor, 40mm, 24mm, fisheye, voitghlander very bright viewfinder, and many extras. Bought it at Popflash USA. No idea about the selling price.