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Up on the black wall


New Member
These two construction workers were amused when they found me pointing the GX at them.


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    Street #9.jpg
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luis patricio":cd98c said:
And i like it
Thank you Luis, would be too glad if you can share the reasons for liking the image
from the viewer's point of view.

Is it the physical, emotional or just plain placement
of the visual elements? :) ;) ;)
I like the combination of shapes, colors and placement of the lift with workers. The only distraction is a bit cut cable at the left side of the lift. But it's only a minor glitch ;) Well done!
forward":0127e said:
Thank you Luis, would be too glad if you can share the reasons for liking the image
from the viewer's point of view.

It's a scene of the daily life, with:
- a good light & composition;
- good color contrasts;
- some visual directions that emphasize the main reason of the scene, “the workers in the platform”;

Summarizing, it is a good "humanized" graphical composition!

PS- I like the facede solution too, what's the material, stone or metal? It has a metal shining between the workers heads!


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    Street #9 copy.jpg
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