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Tiff luck

The Jannie

New Member
I decided to take my winning entry for this month's competition with my new (to me) GX set to TIFF. Neither Photoshop 7 nor CS5 will open them, Irfanview will but only saves basic exif data, not the camera details. Any ideas, anyone, on how to get these non-standard (according to PS) tiffs open while retaining the exif data? Ricoh's software is neither use nor ornament. It's not a big deal - the subject is only about ten miles away - but it's REALLY irritating!

Hi David,

To be quite honest, I don't have any clue if the GX even saves the camera info into the TIFF EXIF. Feel free to upload your converted photo to the contest and then please send me the original TIFF (zipped to support(at) or upload it to somewhere so I can check it for you.
Forum rules allow for no larger that 1024 for competition images, so I'd suggest grab a Tiff to print and hang on the wall and also take a jpg for the competition.
Do the jpg EXIF's work ok?
The visual difference between the jpg and tiff at this size will be undetectable, at least to me. :lol:
I've been experimenting to try to improve quality without - for a change - spending any money! I therefore decided to try the GX on Tiffs and my K10s on RAW. The experiments continue but there's definitely an improvement. The only way to get the GX's funny tiffs into Photoshop is to open and resave them in Irfanview, which removes the camera tag, hence my contest problem. Thankfully Pavel provided an answer, even though it means more work for him. Your suggestion of double shooting is so obvious I hadn't thought of it!

I've been wondering the same thing. The GX & GX8 can shoot NC ( non compressed ) as a TIFF.
I found many programs can't open these images. So far only Irfanview comes close to viewing & editing
Like David I too don't have the Capilo software on this machine.
I have discs for GX & GX8. Will install & have a play.
David, I think the problem with Photoshop is that you probably used "Save for web" (or similarly named) option? This option kills all meta data in the output image. So it's better to avoid this option in all Adobe products ;)
No, it's more basic than that. Neither PS7 nor CS5 will open the files after I've downloaded them. Thankfully XNView provides the workround we need. Thanks again to Tim for that tip.
