Hi folks,
After 5 months of running this forum I'm seriously thinking about conversion of existing forum to vBulletin system
There is nothing wrong with current PHPBB forum, except that there are not much professional and officially supported MODs.
When I started with RicohForum, I did not expect too high (if any) traffic and therefore I selected free phpbb. You know, to minimize losses. But it seems the forum now becomes popular and I would like to extend it with some new great features. I would like to offer you features like user galleries, blogs or even image file hosting! But because there are no such tools available for existing forum, my hands are tied. And if I would like to convert this forum to something more professional, it's better to do it now than later (after significant increase of registered users, discussions and attached files). However, this forum system switch will lead to completely to completely different users interface. And the question is, how much you like the current system and how big problem would be to get into new interface?
So what do you guys think of it? Would it be a good idea to switch this forum to professional (paid) vBulletin system? Many photographic forums are running on this forum system (including our fellow site GR FanClub). Feel free to let me know your opinion on this.
For some examples of vBulletin powered boards and galleries, see for example these:
After 5 months of running this forum I'm seriously thinking about conversion of existing forum to vBulletin system
When I started with RicohForum, I did not expect too high (if any) traffic and therefore I selected free phpbb. You know, to minimize losses. But it seems the forum now becomes popular and I would like to extend it with some new great features. I would like to offer you features like user galleries, blogs or even image file hosting! But because there are no such tools available for existing forum, my hands are tied. And if I would like to convert this forum to something more professional, it's better to do it now than later (after significant increase of registered users, discussions and attached files). However, this forum system switch will lead to completely to completely different users interface. And the question is, how much you like the current system and how big problem would be to get into new interface?
So what do you guys think of it? Would it be a good idea to switch this forum to professional (paid) vBulletin system? Many photographic forums are running on this forum system (including our fellow site GR FanClub). Feel free to let me know your opinion on this.
For some examples of vBulletin powered boards and galleries, see for example these: