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Stalin the cat


New Member
Here is probably my favourite picture I have ever taken.
It's my old cat Stalin, he's dead now.
I called him Stalin because when I got him, I was reading a war novel, and one of the soldiers in it had a ginger cat called Stalin, so I didn't have to think of a name for him. My cat was ginger as well.
I took the picture with a Practika MTL3, and Ilford XP2 film.


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it is so lovely garry that this picture means so much to you... and with the little story makes stalin close to all that see him.

thankyou for sharing :)

Kort .
Thanks for the nice comments :)
Stalin and my other cat Sheba really got fed up after I bought a digital camera and could annoy them all day long with it!
The Practikas are lasting well, and the lenses seem very good for a cheap make. Worth getting if you fancy trying film for a change.
Here's my ol cat Mocha. Something about Ginger cats, their demeanor is great!
On a hot day I would hold the garden hose with running water and he would take a drink.
We had two cats then one called Mocha the other Fudge - Mocha & Fudge!

He passed back in the 90's. Image taken with my film OM4, I can't remember the lens, 40mm maybe.