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Spotting scopes?


New Member
Has anybody ever tried to pair the GRD 1 or 2 with a spotting scope? You know for bird watching and stuff?
Very nice! I'm betting good money this setup should work with the GRD's. Although the technique describes using the zoom on the GX100, I think I could live with the vignetting as is.
Also, it seems that the 43mm spotting scope adapter is not too expensive either. Leaving you with the scope as the biggest cost in this assembly, as expected.
So, I'm in the process of assembling a digiscoping setup:
- Bushnell Elite 78-8045
- Bushnell Camera Adapter 78-0050
- Ricoh GH-1 Hood & Adapter

I don't yet have the scope (any day now), but I'm pretty sure I need one of those 'stepping ring'-s to be able to screw the GH-1 adapter and the Bushnell adapter together.
Does this stepping ring have a special name? Is it a general item, not specific to Ricoh or Bushnell, or is a specilized thing? Can I just go into any camera store and get it?

Also, I'm almost positive that I'll be replacing the scope's eye piece with the camera adapter, right? If that's true, I wonder why. The scope's eye piece looks to have some sort of threading on it too.