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soon to be buyer


New Member
Hello all,

After a long time research on camera market, I've come down to the Ricoh Grx. To me the possibility of owning a camera that can have different sensor sizes, is just unmatched. The versatility of this camera is really exciting. So my question is really simple. What has been your all experience with ricoh grx?
Thank you for your feedback
Hi gf2 and welcome on the board! The truth is that many people don't see or understand the versatility of GXR. But there is definitely a room for such kind of modular camera system. But it's maybe too radical for general public asking for large sensors, super fast and tele pancake lenses and ISO up to infinity ;) What modules are you considering for start?

Enjoy the forum and, hopefully soon, your new toy! ;)
The GRX's is an unsung hero as Ricoh doesn't advertise much and its advantages are important but don't stand out on a specification sheet.

Lens+sensor module concept advantages:
(1) Lens+Sensor module (Except A12 M) is sealed. Normal CSC sensors attract and collect dust
(2) Each lens + sensor combination is optimised
(3) Option to upgrade LCD+processor independent of sensor and lens
(4) No mount = compactness
(5) No mount = low shutter noise

Ricoh advantages:
(1) Superior control interface
(2) Superior body construction quality; top quality optics
(3) A company that supports, not milks, its customer base
(4) Community of real, experienced users, not closed-minded wannabe fanboys
(5) Seal is not our spokesperson
On the other hand, I guess there is nobody who would say no to the M9 or at least the Fuji X-Pro1? ;) It would be great to have something similar from Ricoh (like digital version of the 500ME). GXR + M mount module is close, but I'm still not sure about its "WE-ARE-BORGS" bulky (yet compact) shape. But I may soon change my mind once trying it in person? We will see ;)
Thanks for your replies. Ricoh is the hidden secret, the "japanese Leica". In term of the modules, initially I'm considering the P10 28-300 for different reasons: financial, compactness and flexibility. This module would allow me to carry it around and use it constantly. This might be common sense but to me, number 1 principle of taking good pictures is...taking pictures, meaning being able to carry it out. Too many buy a top notched camera and leave it on the shelf. Eventually once I master and custumize the camera, I will gradually upgrade it with a bigger sensor and a faster lens for low light conditions (A12 50mm?). By the way, what's you all opinion on the new A16 module? (wished for better aperture than 3.5)
The GXR is.......
And I for 1 and maybe the only 1....can't wait for the new 24-85.
That will make 1 heck of an event camera.

The GXR will let you make images and not get in your way my wife...
Welcome to this friendly forum gf2! I own a GXR with P10 kit. If you get the settings right, this camera is brilliant! I find the P10 a little limited, but I cannot afford the more expensive set-ups. However, as far as value for money goes, it is still a fantastic quality lens for the price. I am very happy with it, and one day, hope to be able to afford the M-mount and some other lenses so that I have more versatile options. All-in-all, I think this camera is genius, and it certainly beats lugging around heavy DSLRs, especially considering that it is capable of producing pictures of a quality that rival the most expensive DSLRs currently available.