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Sony DSC R1 ( Studio Lights ) ?


New Member
Hiya all

This is my second Sony DSC R1 camera , Its excellent in everyway , But ive found one issue that ive still not been able to resolve !

The Sony DSC R1 doesnt want to work with the Studio lights at all - every other camera works fine and even the GRD3 works on them .

I used the main sync lead from the lights to the camera onto a Hotshoe Adapter , But with no joy at all , I remember trying it with my first R1 and it didnt work then .

Wondered if anyone had any ideas on how to fix this or offer me some advice , sorry im not sure what make of lights the camera club is using , but they pretty much upto date within the last 4-5 years .

Hi Sally. My experience with external flashes is poor as I prefer shooting without flash. In the worst case I use the built in one so I do not know whether my experience is worth of anything.
Anyway, I once attended a workshop where we could use some studio lights and umbrella flash lights and the results were worse than bad. As expected, the R1 worked well as a flash trigger when triggering the studio lights, but the camera itself was not able to count a usable exposition at all. In few cases it even froze and totally stopped responding and as I had not experienced such bad problems before I was afraid the camera died forever getting its last flash.
Fellow photographers using any other brands (there sure were some Canons, Nikons, if I remember correctly also some Panasonic and Olympus) photographed without problems looking at me like being from another world.
