Incorrect but you can try again with this additional clue.
The length is 17cm and the diameter of the above is 3.1cm
The wooden whistle at 17cm will be too big for children.
This item has been used as a tool in some places but not in our country.
Perhaps to chase away wild monkeys and other wild animals coming into
their farms for food.
In the old kiddie days we can DIY one from tree branches and use it to shoot
birds and pigeons. I am sure there are plastic ones made to be used as toys
for children but haven't seen one yet. Is this catapult banned in your country?
Haha, now I understand why I cannot get it As a boy I always made it from tree branches or solid wire. Newer saw factory made one BTW, in the old days (I mean really old) it was used also as a weapon.
Discussing "weapons" from childhood, I remember I once created (as a 9-10 years old guy) a very special weapon It was about 1m long blowpipe made from aluminum pipe, which previously served as a ski pole for child skis With that "gun" and proper ammunition I was able to shot down the flies (of course, not the flying ones, but definitely those sitting somewhere).
What is your ammunition? Is it green pea or the dangerous ball bearing?
Never thought of that.....aha, now I remember in Africa, the people using long
bamboo to shoot darts at animals for food. Such items are common for hunting,
I wonder if they still use it now?
Rowan berries They perfectly matched the blowpipe inner diameter. I'm sure the blowpipes are still used by tribal people of Papua New Guinea, South America's Indians and probably by some more.