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Sigma DP2s Large Size Print Test


New Member
After I´ve decided to buy the Sigma Dp2s (you can see the thread here viewtopic.php?f=60&t=5437&start=10), I did a test printing a X3F file that I´ve downloaded from I developed the X3F file with Sigma Pro Photo 4.1, retouching just the white balance (no sharpening at all). I printed the file directly from the soft, at a final size of 60x91.5cm. The outcome is pretty impresive. The print looks superb considering the size of the file and the fact that I didn´t interpolate or apply any sharpenning at the picture. In the focused areas of the picture, the detail and rendering it´s fabulous, with rich details and that 3D looks from the foveon sensor. In the out of focus areas the printed file suffer a little but a think it´s pretty normal for the size of the print. But what I like most of the final output, it´s the fact that the color noise it´s absent.
So, my conclusion for those who own this little and amazing camera (I´m getting mine in a few days... I can´t wait!!!), it´s that you can push the X3F file further and get a excellent larger print up to 60x90cm.
Attached are a few pics of the printing process (you can see the sharpeness of the final print even in this pics taken with a 4mb Lumix camera)


  • P1140275.JPG
    415.7 KB · Views: 813
  • P1140280.JPG
    453.9 KB · Views: 808
this is most impressive camera and very fine photo print :) having the ability to create the the 3D effect using the low F numbers is most interesting.
I find many of the Sigma photo's i have seen to be magical (other world) in there look and was considering the camera myself, mostly for this reason, i think using for prints to make a beautiful colour for wall dressing, this camera is perfect .

wishing you the best of times with your new camera :)
Thank you for your print test.

I have a DP2 and I find when you get the camera gets the image right it really produces an excellent file. The main problem is its a bit hit and miss under less than ideal conditions, more miss, but occasionally with some care you can get a great file, one problem is the poor LCD gives no hint, its not until you examine them on a PC that tells what you have.

The sensor generates some noise even at ISO200 so for me I leave mine at ISO100 most of the time. My GRD III can get me better images under even mildly difficult lighting so I find both cameras can work together. I have a DP2 8x10 BW that I often stare at, the detail in them can be excellent.

This image here was taken indoors with good light from a window only
