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Ricoh Recipes


New Member
I've been using a GR3 for a few years now but have never tried the Ricoh Recipes and have a couple of questions...

Is saving the camera state into one of the user slots and then assigning a slot to U1-U3 the only way to save and recall the recipes?

Can you custom set the user slots to a button/dial? (I couldn't see a way)

How important is the last part of the recipes that you have to set outside of the 'image control' menu - e.g. white balance, A6:G2 etc etc? (I ask this because I was thinking if it gets me most of the way there, I could ignore these settings and save a whole load of presets directly into the 'image control' section rather than having to save the whole state of the camers into the user slots.... for example I could save Black and White Negative Recipe into Hi-Contrast, save B&W Negative + Red Filter into Hard Monochrome, save Monochrome Film in BW Monochrome, save Kodak Print into Negative Film etc etc. and have all of that under one user setting, as long as the other settings that you can't save in 'image control' don't contribute massively to the effect.
