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Ricoh needs to engage its international fan base


New Member
One thing I find rather charming about Ricoh is that most consumers outside Japan have not heard that they make cameras. They seem to have a disdain for marketing that has an air of exclusivity about it. On the other hand, it can't be good for sales.

I appreciate that advertising is expensive, but they really need to engage their international fanbase better. There's no bigger and more intense a love-fest than so why don't Ricoh representatives participate in this forum and make special offers. For example, rather than offering test models and pre-release sales to disinterested high-volume reviewers, why not reach out to the members of Some of our members are highly respected users, pioneers and gurus and after all, are we all not their main international market? Anyone considering spending upwards of $400 on a Ricoh camera will probebly research it online and if they don't read Japanese, they will probably end up here.

I've messaged @RicohCamerasAus on Twitter and will suggest it to every Ricoh rep I can find. If you have any contacts in Ricoh, please suggest the same.
Three thumbs up from me too.

ZDP-189":lny1dwqg said:
Anyone considering spending upwards of $400 on a Ricoh camera will probebly research it online and if they don't read Japanese, they will probably end up here.

You can spend upwards of $400 on some used High end collectable Ricoh gear. :roll:
This year Ricoh had impressive print advertisings in photomagazines in France and Germany.

They made a promotion together with Michel Comte, a very famous fashion and people photographer. He introduced a GRD III campain, when I rember well for France and Germany.
Due to discussions about small cameras/big sensors, the GXR is mentioned in the Leica fora and others. So Ricoh is active but the cams are so tiny compare to N/C and S that it's hard to find one...... ;-)
Last saturday in Düssdorfs famoust sushi temple my GRD2 on the table was nearly invisible until I made a pic from a japanese tourist who filmed and photographed his wife, the counter, his meal and the restaurant.... :lol: