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Ricoh AF-77 panoramaphoto


Well-Known Member
Camera: Ricoh AF-77
Film: Fuji Superial Reala 100 ( best before 2-2006 ! )
Scanner: Epson Perfection V600 Photo

An amazing amount of detail and no feeling of distortion - sometimes 'old tech' can be the best. Thanks for posting the negative too - it makes me feel nostalgic. I like the subject and I've not seen such a fine station canopy before on a minature railway.

Thanks Genster.
Its masked like in the R1 & Shotmaster super zoom.
I agree with Richard about the detail & the scan of the image.
Blow-in":bbe70uz8 said:
An amazing amount of detail and no feeling of distortion - sometimes 'old tech' can be the best. Thanks for posting the negative too - it makes me feel nostalgic. I like the subject and I've not seen such a fine station canopy before on a minature railway.


Thanks Richard!
Genster, for romantics this is like a dart directly to the heart...the added negative is the venom...Thanks a lot for posting! :D