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Photography Exhibition


New Member
I'm having an exhibition of photos called 'Sold Out' there's a preview this Friday from 6:30 – 8:00pm all welcome.

Sold Out by David Dunnico
Friday 20 June to Sunday 3 August 2008
Kiosk Gallery, Great Northern Warehouse Foyer, (opposite AMC Cinema Box Office) Deansgate, Manchester.

Now the arty bit: The photographs are about how advertisers lose control of meaning when they put their adverts in public.

Some of the photographs were taken with a Ricoh, including this one with a GR-1s
Congratulations David! I saw some of your works and they are really great! I wish I would be in Manchester around that time. I hope the luckier guys will report about your exhibition? ;)
I can't really see it here at work because for some reason my video card's gamma is too low... I'll give a look at home but it looks great already.
Thanks very much. I'm really glad to have got this exhibition because the gallery gets to a lot of young people who wouldn't normally go to a photography show.
The photographs have been 'collected' over a few years – as you had to find the subject matter, you couldn't really set it up. It also led to another series I'm working on about cctv.