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New to Ricoh from Seattle


New Member
Hi, I like to shoot black and white squares! I use a 6x6 film camera and have been looking to add a compact digital camera to my bag for quick snapshots and for all other times when I can't take the big camera along. The GRD 3 seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, so hopefully I'll be getting one very soon. I'm excited about owning a Ricoh!

A few shots on film just for fun...




Hi Andrew, and welcome to the Ricoh forum. Your sure to love the GRDiii with its 1:1 frame.
Hope to see some more photos soon. Film or Digital.
Hi Andrew and welcome here! Gret introduction! There are some great photos at your flickr. Enjoy the forum and your new toy! ;)
Hi Andrew,
Nothing wrong with black and white squares, I would say...a brilliant idea! And, yes, I too think you will love the GRDIII. I recently bought one and so far am quite impressed!
You've come to the right place to talk and show about your interests in the Ricoh GRD III or any Ricoh for that matter. Looking forward to your work.
Thanks guys, I'm impressed with all the great information on the site! Looking forward to learning more about these fascinating cameras.