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new cycle of date fruits


These small fruits are about a month old - the bunches have to be thinned manually, much of the fruit is removed so that what remains will be of optimal size and quality for market. Harvest in August - September. Lots of work still ahead...


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Its great to see your harvest coming along.
The light in your part of the world combined with the particular rendering of the PX gives it a very "Quester" image feel.
Its such a different part of the world, its quite exotic to me.
A magic of photography - to be able to see what one might never meet face to face. Thanks for sharing quester.

I too find these shots very interesting and a great contrast to my home area where the apple, plum & cherry blossom is out but it will be a long time before we see any fruit.

Thanks folks!
Indeed the light here is strong - I suppose that in the whole Mediterranean area there is a quality to the light that is different from sunny days in more northern parts. The night skies in the desert here are quite something. And although it is dusty here, we don't get the haze of pollution that I noticed when I was touring in northern Italy a few years ago. Of course, mostly cloudless days down here, for better and for worse...

As often has been said here, post photos of the things you take for granted - there is always someone who will be in awe of them.