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I forgot to say hello!


New Member
I've only just realised that I didn't introduce myself. I simply jumped in with a question whch was duly answered and before I knew it I was in :D

Anyway, hello everyone I'm Ashley Brayson and currently own a CX3, Canon Ixus 70 and a Canon 450D. I was after an upgrade from my Ixus so scoured the reviews and locked onto the CX3. I was after a small camera with a decent zoom. I use the video option a lot so was after HD video too. Also, time lapse was a deciding factor as a lot of cameras these days seem to have done away with that.

You will see that I've jumped around quite a bit so I know that all makes have problems. I have had faults with just about every one I've owned. So long as customer service is okay then I can accept it.

1: My first camera was a 3 MP Nikon Coolpix back when a compact was £575! I had to return it for repair when the lens wouldn't retract.

2: Second hand Canon D30 SLR ( no problems ) which I sold to fund camera 3.

3: Canon 10D. ( returned for remapping hot pixels )

4: Sigma SD14 ( returned and replaced due to tilted sensor )

5: Pentax K10D ( returned to adjust tilted viewfinder ) Sold to fund camera 7.

6Canon Ixus 70 ( no problems )

7: Canon 450D ( returned for focus calibration )

8: Ricoh problems to report as yet :D

I rarely shoot in auto preferring to fiddle around with the settings to achieve the desired result. I love black and white and messing around with photographs like miniaturising landscapes etc ( I've yet to try this out on the CX3 ).

I paint too so I use my photographs as reference material hence the zoom requirement on the CX3.

I think that's about it.

Hi Ashely,
welcome to the forum, hope you find this a friendly corner. Seems you've had a fair share of cameras with issues.
Glad to hear the CX3 is ok so far. Hope to see some images from either the CX3 or your paintings - I've always been envious of good painters, the best I can manage is to paint the walls all one colour. :D
Thanks Tim.Funnily enough I was painting a wall today..............just one colour.
I'll post some pics asap.

Hi Ashley welcome again on this forum! :) As you are a painter, it would be very interesting to hear your opinion about this program:

I, as a man without talent for painting, really appreciate the results I can get with it. So it would be interesting to hear your professional opinion about this kind of program.
Thank you everyone.
Pavel..........I've downloaded the trial version but it froze on me as it was working. I'll keep trying though. It looks very interesting. Thanks for the link.

Ashley, maybe it did not freeze? The preparation phase can take some time, especially for large files! But of course, there is still a possibility of a hidden bug ;) It would be interesting to know more about your system and processed photo. I'm in regular contact with author, so I can forward your problem to him.
Quite possibly Pavel. The file may have been too large. I'll have a try with a reduced image. Will let you know how I get on.