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Hospital stay (1)


New Member
Beating the boredom with some simple props! (see also Hospital Stay (2))


  • apple_axe.jpg
    219.8 KB · Views: 200
  • glass-apple1.jpg
    163.5 KB · Views: 173
Well done and cleaver idea to take camera & laptop with you. In #1 the apple is spectacular and in #2 the imagery is quite dynamic. Your health must be O.K. to have taken such good photos ( at least I hope so ). Perhaps you took some photographs of the nurses as well & maybe we could see those as well??. :)
Thanks for the kind comments.

I find that the GX100 usually manages to deliver something interesting...just posted another image.

I considered shooting some nurses going about their work uKrris but you can't be sure they'd be happy about it - so I erred on the side of caution (best to keep them in my side, I thought!)