GR User Forum

The spot for all Ricoh GR camera users

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Hi from Australia!


New Member
Hello, all Group Members.

Greetings, salutations.

I have been the subject of photos or placed my eyeballs behind the viewfinder of a camera for over 70 years.

My first camera was an Olympus Trip, then a Zenith SLR, and an assortment of Nikon, Canon, and Fujifilm cameras.

I probably suffer from Gear Acquisition Syndrome!

My Dad left me a Leica M5 with a couple of lenses.

His passion for photography rubbed off on me as a child!

I joined your group to learn more about the Ricoh GRs. I am researching the camera and am considering buying one—my local camera store suggested it.
Hi snoopybris,

Welcome to GRUF

The GR3 and GR3x are lovely cameras. They are so good that you will sometimes ask yourself why you should use other cameras at all next to them.

Once you have a Ricoh GR3/3x watch your photo library and check how much % of your photos of the next vacation or photo trip were made with which camera. You will be surprised. Z04 Photos
Thank you for your welcome Dirk.

I look forward to my photographic journey with a Ricoh GR.

I forgot to put a link to my photographic journey - for those who are interested - this is the site - My Flickr Page