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hello from the philippines!


New Member
hello everyone!

This is my first time posting here and I'm doing it using my mobile phone so please excuse me if this message contains errors. :).

I still do not own any ricoh camera right now but really wanted to get one for myself but I just still need a little push and help on deciding what unit to get.I have my eyes on grd iii or iv but still can't decide which is which so by being here I really hope that someone can point me towards the right direction. :).I'll be using it on the streets cause that's what I really love to do,taking street photograhs.I do own a dslr but it's a nikon and I also currently own a coolpix P7100 which really is kinda bulky and not that very good to use for low light street shooting.With all that being said,I hope somone can help my dilemma ASAP.Thank you in advance.
Welcome to the a GRD4 if the price is OK is my advice but then I'm totally biased!

Hi and welcome, both are great, the III still current tech IMO but if money allows get the IV. The faster AF is welcome for me.
thanks for the tips! :) well,price difference of the 2 units are only marginal and not really that big.I'd be mainly be using it for lowlight street shooting because my nikon P7100 just suck when it comes to this situation,I am missing so many shots and I just can't get a decent useable image at all.
Welcome to the forum, I own a GRD III and is wonderful, if you cannot afford a GRD IV take the III and you will be in any case happy!
Hi there! I had both. The IV is more jaw dropping in my opinion. If money is an issue, just get the III. If not the IV is incredible.