New Member
Hi everybody,
before buying my first digicam, a Sony Cybershot DSC in 2000, I was using a Nikon F3 for my photographic ambitions during my studies.
I was very unhappy with the handling of the study videocam-like use of the Sony, but these were obviously the beginnings in those days.
Since I was looking for a camera that I could use for somehow professional reasons (my regular doing is working as an architect and a university lecturer) and as a compact camera for travel and spontaneous photography I totally became fascinated by the Ricoh GX200, then the GRX concept, especially by the handling. This is so close to a "normal" photograph's type of using a camera.
I own a GRX with S10 for more than a year now, still not fully experienced with its funtions and did not yet made use of its customisability.
But I am pretty amazed by the quality it produces, even in "only" Jpg-mode.
Soon I have to enter the Raw World as well.
This forum very much helped me to find this camera, so thanx a lot for all the postings. In any case I hope to contribute sooner or later with photos and insights.
before buying my first digicam, a Sony Cybershot DSC in 2000, I was using a Nikon F3 for my photographic ambitions during my studies.
I was very unhappy with the handling of the study videocam-like use of the Sony, but these were obviously the beginnings in those days.
Since I was looking for a camera that I could use for somehow professional reasons (my regular doing is working as an architect and a university lecturer) and as a compact camera for travel and spontaneous photography I totally became fascinated by the Ricoh GX200, then the GRX concept, especially by the handling. This is so close to a "normal" photograph's type of using a camera.
I own a GRX with S10 for more than a year now, still not fully experienced with its funtions and did not yet made use of its customisability.
But I am pretty amazed by the quality it produces, even in "only" Jpg-mode.
Soon I have to enter the Raw World as well.
This forum very much helped me to find this camera, so thanx a lot for all the postings. In any case I hope to contribute sooner or later with photos and insights.