Having followed this page for sometime, after I got GX 200 now it's belong to my daughter.
I have learnt a lot from here and it has made me feel like taking picture again.
Thank a lot :mrgreen:
Hi Muddy and welcome on board! So you are now GXR user? Lucky you! Do you like it? What do you think about speed of A12 AF? Is it a problem for your style of shooting?
I shoot at Snap and Spot focus when use AF, but most of the time I either fine tune or use manual focus to get exposure.
AF is a real pain in ...... when you use Macro mode in low light.
Marco Target can assist focusing when shoot in Macro mode, but I still have to change to manual focus to get correct exposure otherwise it will be wrong focus.
I deleted most of my first day shooting because of this AF issue.
But the camera, the lenses, the pictures make you forget all the shot coming AF, I hope Ricoh will improve it in firmware update.
Anyway I was a GX200 user I don't feel very difficult to adapt to this AF issue.