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Hello from London


New Member
Have recently got started with a Ricoh GRII (just in time to be overtaken by the GRIII :shock: )

Am really enjoying, as fun to work with as a manual Nikon SLR (I used an FM for a while), but with the advantage of being always there, and, of course, digital.

You can see some of my results at:
Hi John,

welcome to the forum.

What a great idea incorporating your slideshow into the forum page.
I agree with Grus74 that the skyscraper image is a standout.
I also like the upside down water reflection - it has a painterly quality.
Hi John,

I love your pictures, you are a very talented photographer with a great eye for an Image. Your making great use of that GRD2. I'd love to introduce myself with a slide show like you, is it easy to do? please let me know how you did it, is it something to do with Flickr :?:

SteveE :geek:
Thanks guys!

As luck would have it, the skyscraper shot wasn't taken on my GRDII- its lens got stuck open one weekend, so I had to resort to my old Lumix compact :oops:

@SteveE: The slideshow was pretty easy, I just pressed the 'flickr=' button, and entered the details. I find Flickr quite handy, it's very quick to upload to and preserves all the EXIF info etc. It even has a feature where you can click 'blog this' and send a pic straight to your blog!

Really enjoying the GRDII, and this great site!
Hello John and welcome here! I'm glad you like this forum. There are some very nice photos in your set. Hope to see your contributions in monthly contests! ;)