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Hello (been lingering for a while)


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I've been visiting the forum for about a month now, reading up on your views about the GX200 & the GRDII.

I've been a Nikon SLR man for many years, converting to digital with a D100 in 2006 (although had the use of my wife's Panasonic point & shoot for a while before that). Unfortunately, circumstance dictated that I recently had to sell the Nikon, which left me with only my trusty GR1 35mm, a great little camera (fantastic lens!) from which I have achieved great results in the past.
However, having embraced digital, and got used to the convenience (amongst other things) of the digital world, I am not interested in returning to the old school way of doing things.
I will soon be in a position to purchase a new digital camera (by end of July all being well), and have targeted the GX200 after much deliberation between the fixed wide angle of the GRD, and the wider (with zoom) abilities of the GX.

Based on my previous experience with Ricoh, it would take a lot to drag me away from their products. Build quality, userbility/functionality, handling and lens quality all being excellent in my experience.
I am interested in what Ricoh will bring out next, and know that really I should wait to see, but I cannot wait to get back to taking some decent images again (iPhone camera doesn't quite cut it!), and intend to purchase as soon as funds allow.

Anyway, look forward to participating in the forum soon.

Welcome to the forum, the GR1 is indeed a fantastic camera if film would not be so much hassle I would use mine a lot more.

We all want to know what Ricoh will release next but so far they keep quiet about this. All we know it will be something special and possibly offer interchgangeable lenses and maybe a bigger sensor, this is based on various rumors.

The GX200 is a great camera with fantastic controls but if you can, I would say, wait a bit longer to see how the new Ricoh camera will turn out. If you want something fast, maybe look for a used GRD I, it will be very close to the GR1 with b&w film and should keep you going till the new camera is out.
Hi JW and welcome on board! Cris is right. If you are not in a hurry, wait a little more. There is definitely something new in the air ;) Cris is also right about GRDI, which is very good (film-like) B&W performer. And the good thing is that you can get one for a very low price in these days. It's not very fast RAW performer, but if you don't want to mess with RAW, GRDI is excellent choice.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for your responses.
Hmmmm, a 2nd hand GRDI could be the way to go, i.e. an interim step until Ricoh's next release.

Four questions:
1. Am presuming GRDI provides good colour results aswell, I'd estimate that only 15-20% of my work will be B&W (although an opportunity/reason to experiment for would be good obviously).
2. Any guesstimated timescales to Ricoh's next release? (i.e. are we talking 6 months or 18 months?).
3. Has anyone here got a good GRDI for sale? (if I decide to go down that route)
4. Is anyone here interested in buying a 35mm GR1?

All the best
1) GRDI is know as excellent B&W camera, however, its color files are of course very nice too. They are noisier above ISO200, but still better than GRDII JPEG files at any ISO value. The trick is that there is no or very limited noise reduction applied over the GRDI files. Also, the GRDI files shows more red noise and GRDII more blue noise. I personally prefer the GRDI red noise, which is easier to handle or live with it.

2) There should be announced something new around September this year (aside the CX2, which I would expect around August). Ricoh high-end cameras are released in two years cycles and this autumn is the time for GRD upgrade. Some rumors says it will be sooner than in September.

3) Check the "For Sale" section or post new "want it now" post in Wanted section.

4) Maybe you can try your luck in "For Sale" section? ;)
Hi Odklizec,

Thanks for the tips!

I've had a quick search this morning for 2nd hand GRDIs (eBay, this site, and elsewhere) and am coming up with prices of between £195 - £250.
I've seen the GX200 advertised new in the UK (with the VF1 finder) at between £299 and £330. At these prices, I'd be inclined to buy a GX new.
However, do you think it possible to find good condition GRDIs for £140 - £160, because that might make the difference.

I'm excited to see what Ricoh release, so the 2nd hand idea definitely has merit if I can find a GRDI at the right price.

Your thoughts?

Thanks again
Hi JW,

I think £140 - £160 is too low to be acceptable for most GRDI sellers. Maybe you can find some GRDs for that price outside the EU. But you will most likely have to pay VAT for camera coming from outside the UK/EU. So maybe you should rather look for something more expensive but within the EU? BTW, what about you used GX100? Maybe you can find one for better price (£170-220) than GRDI?
Thanks for responding so quickly again Odklizec.
Obviously, If I go down the second hand route I want to get the best camera I can for the money, but I supose what I'm thinking is, if I was buying 2nd hand with a view saving money whilst waiting for Ricohs next big release, it would be because it was a considerably cheaper option.
But to be honest, for the sake of £80 or £90 I would probably decide to get the new GX (inc. VF), and then just wait and see what Ricoh do. I mean, its not like a pre-owned GRDI would save me half the price or something, or so it seems anyway.

I will keep watching the for sale ads, and see what comes up, but if by the end of July nothing has appeared at a price to make it worth while, I will probably get a new GX200.

Ha, ha, and then the following month Ricoh will release their greatest ever camera with the combination of sensor, lens(es), etc, that we've all been waiting for, and I'll kick myself for being impatient!

Oh well, we'll see. I will keep you posted with my progress.
