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Greetings from Leeds

Rog Tallbloke

New Member
Hi Everyone,
I have just bought a second (third?) user GX200 from the 'bay and I'm looking forward to learning what I can do with this great little camera. I like mountain walking and scrambling a lot, so I have a good padded bag to zip my cameras into. I recently got an Olympus E-410 but after carrying it around Tuscany for a week I've decided a DSLR is overkill for my needs so that will be up for sale. My other current compact camera is a Fujifilm EXR200 which has done well, but I'm finding the lack of control is limiting my creativity too much - so I went for the Ricoh as a replacement for both P&S compact and DSLR.

I've always liked Ricoh kit. I got an XR10 SLR with a Sigma 70-210 zoom lens as an 18th birthday present from a rich uncle and also picked up a 35FM compact for backpacking with. The ergonomics of the GX200 feel great and I can't wait to get up close to some interesting subjects when it stops raining!

Here's a shot I took with the Olympus in the Lake district yesterday before my GX200 arrived this morning. Windermere was overcast with clouds at the time, so ISO is high. I'll be needing to learn ways around that, but these terns were flapping their wings pretty fast. :)


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Hi there Rog and welcome to the forum.....

The GX200 is a great camera , as you may have already heard, though it suffers from high noise levels at anything above iso200. This would be fine if was like the GRD's or GXR,where it's actually quite pleasant. The photo above, taken with the GX at iso1600 would almost certainly be a 'throw away' image. I must say though that the images below 200, or even 400 with the NR turned off in the camera, are wonderful IMO. I use mine mainly for landscape, macro etc. Only had it for a few months, but it shows great promise for street as well(B&W's looking good!)......Nothing compared to the GRD, but it depends a lot on what you intend to use the camera for.....I'm sure you'll enjoy it :D , as I'm sure you'll enjoy this forum as well :D ......Marcus.
Hi Marcus and thanks for the welcome. I had a quick read around the manual and set the ISO-auto to top out at 200. To help things along in low light I popped my ancient Olympus T-20 flash unit on and fired a few test shots which look ok to me, here's a 30% crop from one :


ISO 64
1/200 sec

I was about 8 feet away.
Hello again Rog......Am having a problem seeing your image for some reason, doesn't come up on the screen....not too technically minded so I'm not sure what's going on....Resized?, jpeg?, processed in LR?(save for web setting?{try save as jpeg}).....hope this helps somehow....Looking forward to seeing it. :)
Oops, posted it on a private blog I run, should be OK now, thanks for the heads-up.

By the way, when I posted my first photo, I was able to upload it to the Ricoh Forum, but that option has disappeared now.
Hope I didn't upset anyone by posting a photo taken on an Oly. :lol:

I'd like to know how to access the EXIF info though.
Fine now, thanks.
I think it may be the difference between hitting the 'post reply' button first, which gives you the upload attachment option, whereas if you don't hit this initially, you don't get that.....Not sure...If it works this way, EXIF data should be attached and comes up with the posted image...... :?
BTW, all images welcome here, from whatever camera!....Very open, friendly forum this one, as I'm sure you'll notice soon enuff. :D
Thanks Marcus, I'll use 'Post Reply' in future when I want to upload direct to the forum so the EXIF info is displayed. Bill Gates won't let me cut'n'paste it from his 'properties' dialogue box...
Hi Rog and welcome here! Nice to see another Olympus photographer here! E400 was my first DLSR and I really loved it, especially with old Olympus OM lenses. I quickly sold both kit lenses and used the camera just with the OM lenses. Well, I then found GRD and Ricoh cameras in general and the poor E400 started collecting dust until I sold it on ebay ;)

As for your question regarding the EXIF displayed under the photo, the trick is to upload your photos directly to this forum. Unfortunately, the EXIF reader cannot read and display the EXIF data from externally linked photos. This is also why the contest photos MUST be uploaded and not just linked ;)

Enjoy the forum and don't hesitate to post some more photos!
Hi Rog and welcome on board.
No problem to upload a photo to any your reply. Simply use the POSTREPLY button to get the possibility instead of using the POST A QUICK REPLY box at the bottom of the page.

Thanks odklizec and Orol, I'll be sure to use the full 'post reply' option when I've found a fitting subject for the contest. I've been thinking about it today while I was doing video work. There are some good entries already, so I need to think carefully and try some of the special options on the camera to create something different.

In the meantime, here's a shot from my GX200 of a sculpture against some of the newer architectural additions to my home town. At least I didn't have to worry about wings fluttering faster than shutter speed on this one. Interesting moire centre right, must have bounced the sun off some glass somewhere.

It'd be neat if Ricoh would display the given filename on the playback info somewhere...


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