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Greetings From Florida


New Member
I have owned the GRD III for three weeks and absolutely love it. So much so that I have only just gotten round to introducing myself.

I am British and moved to the United States in 2000, living in Dallas/Fort Worth,Texas, before moving to Jacksonville, Florida, in 2007. In many ways, I wish I was still in Texas but I do get the advantage of being just 30 minutes drive from the Atlantic Ocean.

I had been looking for a new compact camera for several months. in fact, the GRD III was earmarked as a potential purchase back in November but then the GXR came along and muddied the waters. I have a Leica D-Lux 3, which is great at base ISO but not so hot at higher ISO. Everyone spoke highly of the GRD III's low light capabilities and its fantastic user interface. I now see why. Therefore, it was an easy choice on my part to go for the GRD III.

The 28/1.9 lens complements the ZE 50/1.4 on my Canon 40D. Increasingly, I am finding the Canon gets left behind and I just carry the GRD III. That says an awful lot about the GRD III. It is, as others have said, a great camera to use and one you can carry with you all the time.
Hi Calvininjax and welcome here! I know very well how you feel about your Canon 40D. Since I started using GRDII, my fine-tuned DSLR started to collect more and more dust and in the end I sold it ;) I simply found the GRD much more fun to use. I believe it also made me much more creative. GRDIII has some problems, but it's still very well thought out camera. I'm sure you will have a lot of fun with your GRDIII. I hope you will enjoy the forum too! ;)