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Flash Fired, Compulsory Flash Mode


Active Member
Hi one & all on the Ricoh Camera Forum.
I'm starting a thread for Flash Photography.
If you snapped it with the built in Flash or attached it to your Hot Shoe, this is where you post your flash photography gems.
All Ricoh cameras come with a built in flash. More times than not the EXIF data says Flash didn't fire.
Well not this time. So post your photographs that you pulled off with the aid of artificial light.
Open to ALL Ricoh cameras & open to discussion.
Like, Is the Flash unit in your camera needed?
How do I stop it from blowing out?
Is one model Ricoh camera got a bettera fash than another?
Whats the bestist ISO for my camera when useing Flash?
Re: Flash Fired

Here is my photograph that got me thinking.
Shot at arms lenght because I couldn't see through the viewfinder & it was dark.
GX8 with built in flash.


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Count me in, because I use the flash a lot! It's a very good tool, and many shots (even by day, some macro too) couldn't have be done without it.


Ricoh has a very good way to handle and control flash power, with the R series through the EV comp, and with a direct control on GX200 (Flash comp + flash out put). It could be more powerful on the R series (not sure about the CX tough), but we cannot require some "all perfect things" on a ultra compact ;-)


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