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dirt in gx200


New Member
i am having a spot an all recent images. there must be dirt on sensor or within the lenses. who can clean that and for which price? i am in berlin. thank you.
sorry for the late reply..
There was a thread here on GR1 reliability --
A Ricoh repair company in Germany have posted a contact detail.. Here is their post --

Hi the two of you,
we might be able to help you with your GR1s.
We are a RICOH repair service called Fototechnik Braig and are located near Frankfurt/Main (Germany).
As one of the few (maybe only) repair services in Europe that can still fix RICOH's older models, like your GR1s, we would be more than happy to help you.
If you are still interested in getting your cameras repaired, contact us on for more information.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

PS: Since we are new to this forum, we would appreciate it if you could spread the word a little bit about our service! Of course, we also repair digital cameras (incl. the Caplio series). Thanks a lot in advance!


I have no affiliation or experience with them, so cannot say if they are are reliable repairer or not, if you contact them, make your own judgement as whether to use their service.
... they do not answer.

i called ricoh. they do not provide any info about their cameras on their site. they say, photography is not an important part of their business and direct me to pentax. pentax is a living service-hell, i know that from my own experience. they direct me to call 06331-268268, convar, a general service factory. they have no info about their customer service on their site. the woman there told me to send the camera to
ricoh service center
huster höhe
gebäude 4600
66953 pirmasens
she was not able to give any price for the repair/cleaning. she said a cost estimate as well as return even of the unrepaired item would be free of charge. to be shure i asked to confirm this via email, now i am waiting for an answer from them.

these firms (like ricoh or pentax) nowadays are interested only in selling, its depressing.
Hi ed_f,
I have recently had wonderful service for a Ricoh repair through
Perhaps you could contact them and ask for help? They organised for the repair of my GXR external viewfinder which was way out of warranty and was (more or less) damaged through a fall. I have had a similar experience with a faulty viewfinder.
Both were returned to me repaired and with no charge. I know they send it on to Germany anyway so please give them a try! :)
thanks wiener! you think i should send the cam from germany to GB so they send it to whomever in germany who sends it eventually back to UK to have them send it back to me, all without any charge? shure i'll try, but ...

you know: it is just a shame, they just leave customers with this forum, "help yourselves, we shure don't". unbelievable ...
ed_f":252n8xpa said:
thanks wiener! you think i should send the cam to GB so they send it to whomever in germany who sends it eventually back to UK to have them send it back to me, all without any charge? shure i'll try, but ...

you know: it is just a shame, they just leave customers with this forum, "help yourselves, we shure don't". unbelievable ...
What I would try is to contact Johnsons Photopia through the web and ask them if it is possible to send it to them first for forwarding on, or should you send it directly to the Ricoh repair team in (??????)Germany. I am guessing they will help you one way or the other...hope so anyway!
I have a feeling that making contact with them is the hard part...they are willing once they get you into the system. Absolutely terrible public relations though! Shocking very inteligent... :?

what johnsons replied: "Unfortunately we cannot repair Ricoh Digital cameras here. We would forward any that we receive to Germany for repairs."

and the ricoh-service answered, too! as this info was quite difficult to obtain i publish convars email here for further notice. i would be more satisfied if they would tell a pricerange for the given problem, as i am not very optimistic if the cleaning would be economically reasonable. the package to them i would have to pay anyway ...

"Hiermit möchten wir Ihnen bestätigen dass ein Kostenvoranschlag sowie auch ggf. die Rücksendung ohne Reparatur einer Kamera kostenfrei erfolgt.

Ohne genaue Überprüfung des Gerätes, können wir Ihnen aktuell für die Reparatur keine genauen Kosten nennen. Gerne möchten wir Ihnen jedoch anbieten, einen kostenlosen Kostenvoranschlag zu erstellen.

Anbei senden wir Ihnen die, für eine Reparatur anfallenden, Kosten.

- Service Level I - kleine Ersatzteilen - Batterie Deckel 12,00 Euro
- Service Level II - Front Cover, Rear Cover, Flash oder USB Board 45,00 Euro
- Service Level III - Monitor,.... 65,00 Euro
- Service Level IV - Objektiv, Mainboard 119,00 Euro

Um Ihre Reparatur ausserhalb der Garantie anzumelden, gehen Sie auf und melden das Gerät unter "Reparatur Anfrage" zur Reparatur an. Im Verlauf erhalten Sie eine ema Nummer, welche mit "RI" beginnt.
Drucken Sie den für Sie generierten Lieferschein aus und legen Sie diesen der Sendung bei, um Ihre Kamera bei Wareneingang direkt bearbeiten zu können, empfehlen wir Ihnen dass Sie die ema Nummer gut leserlich aussen auf das Paket schreiben.

Schicken Sie bitte nur die Kamera ohne Zubehör, an:

Ricoh Support Center
Gewerbepark Husterhöhe
Massachusetts Avenue 4600
66953 Pirmasens

Bei weiteren Fragen zum Ablauf, oder Ihrer Kamera stehen wir Ihnen natürlich gerne zur Verfügung. Sie erreichen uns von Montags bis Freitags in der Zeit von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr telefonisch unter +49 (0) 6331 268 438 oder per E-Mail"
already the next update: ricoh obviously found out that their service sounds too client oriented. i received the above message today, and answering them today i now receive the following reply:

We regret to inform you that this email is no longer in service.
We apologise for the inconvenience and ask you to use the link
below to submit your question/request.

Alternatively, you can reach us by phone at one of the given
phone numbers at the end of this email.

Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass diese E-Mail Adresse nicht
mehr existiert. Wir entschuldigen uns für die entstehenden Unan-
nehmlichkeiten und bitten Sie, uns Ihre Anfrage über den nach-
folgenden Link zu übersenden. Alternativ können Sie uns auch über
die am Ende dieser Nachricht genannten Telefonnummern erreichen.

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, UK ... llform.asp
Germany - 01805-736829"

that is not a joke, it's ricoh service!
found 2 camera service firms here in berlin: +++

the first told me they could clean the chip for 50e, but after 10 days phoned to say it is not possible for that price with that ricoh, as it is glued (somewhere, don't know exactly), it would in fact be somewhere around 150e. which is of course more than its value. with cameras like a canon s100 it would be much easier, 50e max.

so: goodbye ricoh (as well as pentax, same company in fact, my "waterproof" cam died as she hit the water for the first time). i just bought a canon s100. fine little cam ;-)

take care!
This is sad to read, although like Andy I too have had the best experience with the Ricoh service and particularly with CONVAR in Germany - they replaced the lens assembly of my S10 module. I see my GXR falling apart in the next year or two, some buttons already began to stick and I had to re-glue both the front and back grip, and this in one year and a half and I do take care of my equipment.