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Ciao from Rome!


New Member
I am a primarily micro 4/3 shooter who just discovered the Ricoh GR-Digital series and am waiting on arrival of an (old stock) new GRD-I from the UK. It is one of those horrible blue anniversary models, but, hey, it should work the same, have a warranty, and should be great for street shooting since everyone will probably just assume it is some Hello-Kitty kind of crap and feel sorry for me at worst. Seriously, after hearing about these cameras, I looked at Flickr and elsewhere and kept seeing such great, "film-like" pics, both B&W and colour, that I HAD to get one. Looking forward to testing it out soon (at least a week from now, knowing the Italian Post)
Hi avidone,
A big welcome to the forum

I still have my GF1/20mm and occasionally dabble with a DP2 but carry the GRD always. Its usually a question of what other camera comes along if any.
I hope you enjoy the GRD I and its results. I'd be happy enough with the Blue Angel unit, its unique for sure!

I am always keen to see some images (you can post non-Ricoh pics in the appropriate section) and have a go at the monthly competitions if you can (Ricoh only), the more the merrier!
Hi avidone and welcome here! Blue anniversary model with golden dragons looks definitely weird and toy-like, but as you correctly recognized, nobody will consider you to be a serious shooter and that counts! ;) Please don't hesitate to post some photos, even if taken with non-Ricoh cameras! We have an open gallery section for such kind of shots ;) I hope you will find our little community a place where to stay and return. Enjoy the forum and your new toy!
thanks guys! I am really looking forward to trying-out the GRD. I already get tagged as a tourist moving around Rome, since I still dress like the sloppily (ie. comfortably) dressed Israeli-American that I am. The screaming blue GRD can only help. At least if I have to play dumb, the camera matches. Who knows, if it really gives me good pics like I have seen, then I may even become endeared to the design.

I am a bit timid about taking street shots and up to now have been getting my best shots shooting from the hip (or actually belly) with my E-PL1. I hope the GR-D allows me to feel less obtrusive and more comfortable and do more. Even for non-street, just take-it-everywhere photography, it really shows some promise. I really love the "film-like" quality of lots of the shots I see online.

I had already been thinking about getting perhaps a Canon P&S in order to use the CHDK hacks and get reasonable camera control, so discovering not only the image quality but the tech setup of the Ricohs was really great for me. I obsessed for a couple days, also over whether to a buy a well-priced Gx200. In the end, though it was more recent and had more features, the images from the GRD's just still "grabbed" me more. Especially from the GRD1, but also the others. The only thing I have seen close to this filmy-ness recently has been from some of my old adapted lenses on my mu43. I realise I like the look enough that I have even dabbled a bit in shooting-- GASP!- actual FILM lately, for the first time in about 20 years.

BTW Pavel I see that you are in Slovakia-- will you laugh at me too much if I tell you one of my all-time favourite singers is Hana Hegerova?
Hey, this is absolutely great you know and love Hana Hegerova! She is a great chanson singer. It's not my cup of tea, but I have a great respect for her. Unfortunately, she recently announced retirement. Did you know that? BTW she is born Slovak but most of her life she live and sing in Czech rep.
I like all sorts of chanson singers, never mind I don't always understand the languages. Hana was recommended to me by someone in a conversation in a bar on my first visit to Prague in 1993. Also the first album I bought had some things in German and Yiddish I could understand, though I did not understand the words to many of her more famous songs until I saw a (subtitled) version of an independent film called, I think, "Hana and Her Brothers" (set in Bratislava BTW) years later, which was all music by her in the soundtrack. Sorry to hear she is retiring, though I guess she must be quite old. I knew she was Slovakian, but did not know she mostly lived in the Czech Republic, though I guess for most of her life they were the same country. :)