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BW Film Recipe with Channel Mixer

luis patricio

New Member
Hi, for people who like working with channel mixer here it is a convertion table posted some years ago.
Use it with channel mixer red-green-blue in monochrome mode! You must start with a color image!!! (RAW is beter for the mix)
Note: There's some kind of a rule for the mix, the channels addition value must be 100! (Mix at your taste)


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yes, i realy like to use Delta400Pro, its my 120mm film.
I normaly use the devlopment values as a start, use them and shuffle at your eye's taste.
(In LR you can create development presets and they are realy easy to aply to a batch of photos.)
Note: You must start with a color image!!! (RAW is beter for the mix)
In LR you have 8 channels in grayscale mix, a great improvement! So if anyone have the film recipe for this 8 channel mixer i'll be glad to see it posted here ;)