GR User Forum

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ricoh gr

  1. J

    Software for GR

    As i haven't done processing of photos for ages and got a new GR III recently and maybe a GR IIIx is in the pondering. I understand many some software (image processors) and raw-converters doesn't support GR series? What mageprocessing and rawconverter is good for GR III -series and also the...
  2. J

    Arca-swiss baseplate or L-bracket GRIII/x

    Is there any Arca-swiss compatible baseplate or L-bracket for the GR III / x -camera available that gives the option to change batteries without demounting it all? I found only the wephoto grip, but i don't want a grip on this camera and then an 3d print version, but i don't like a plastic one...
  3. Landberg

    Hello there!

    Hi! My name is Rikard. I’m a long time Ricoh shooter from Sweden. Love these little cameras! I currently use a GRIII side by side with the GRIIIx. That’s all I use. Works great! Landberg on instagram